Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 6 of 40

Got up a bit early this morning: 5:30. Megan is coming over to go for a run and we wanted to avoid the heat so we're going early.

Sarra joined me in yoga this morning by stretching out her back while I stretched out mine. :) Then when I was meditating she decided to drink water out of her water bowl in a very obnoxious manner. It was irritating.

Now I am just waiting for Megan to get here.... doo doo doo she's always a bit late.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 5 of 40

I woke up at 6:30 this morning--a little late. Max had already left to go workout at the gym. I did my A.M. Yoga and then began my meditation. The cats left me alone but Max came home about halfway through it. Then he took a shower. It was difficult to concentrate.

Jacque kept coming into my thoughts as I was meditating. I think I worry too much about her. Sigh.

Well, I have to digest my breakfast now.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 3 of 40

Again my legs fell asleep, although not as bad as the first day.

The cats left me alone today except Mable did keep guard of the far end of my yoga mat while I meditated. I think maybe she was trying to make sure no one else got my attention before she did (she was first in line).

My back is pretty stiff during the A. M. Yoga routine. I wonder if that will change the longer I do it or if it is just because I was sleeping. I had weird dreams last night.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2 of 40

I feel very calm.

Another 6 a.m. wake-up and A.M. Yoga--which Mable enjoyed very much. I think it was her way of welcoming me to the new day--either that or her food bowl is empty.

The meditation was easier, or maybe I should say, smoother? I feel really good.

I am going to do my run now. Today it is 5 x 400 meters.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 1 of 40

I woke up around 5:40. I went to bed pretty early last night.

My A.M. Yoga was short and easy.

I got out my japa mala and sat cross-legged seated on a folded blanket. I closed my eyes and began my mantra "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti". Next bead. After a few beads, words that were NOT my mantra began to float around my head. First 'peace' then words like 'this is going to take awhile' or 'shut-up Sarra'. I tried my best to drown them out with my mantra.

When I was finished, my legs (especially my left) were completely asleep. It was painful waiting for the blood to completely return to my limbs.

Overall, I am happy to be done with it. I am contemplating removing Sarra's bell from her collar and possibly locking her in the room with Max.

Friday, August 20, 2010

40 Day Journey

So, I have this meditation necklace (japa mala). It is supposed to be used for 40 days consecutively with the same mantra in order to empower it. I thought about it and decided that if I'm going to empower this necklace it makes sense to incorporate another activity at the same time. So, I have been continually wishing that I did yoga each morning (perhaps my A.M. Yoga DVD?) and this 40 day time frame would certainly be enough time to develop a habit, no? Habits....

I don't want to be too ambitious with this 40 day thing. I will be starting school at the same time. Perhaps yoga followed by meditation will suffice? I need to brainstorm more about this. I know I am not up for another "diet" or fast. I am starting my half-marathon re-train on Sunday so I will have that going on as well. Haha, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that meditation and yoga will be plenty!!! Ok, well here goes it.

I will begin my A.M. Yoga followed by meditation using my japa mala for 40 days starting on Monday, August 23rd.

I will do my best to record my progress here.