Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Bunny Strikes Again

Yay!!! The Easter Bunny made it all the way to Al Asad, Iraq to deliver fresh eggs to soldiers everywhere!! That's right. I had fresh eggs for Easter breakfast. I am one happy soldier.

Can I go home now?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Diamond Lost in the Rough

I don't know when it happened but one of my diamonds in my engagement ring has suddenly gone missing. It was one of the smallest ones along the band. Perhaps it felt overlooked or underappreciated. I don't know. I only wished I could have coaxed it into staying. Now there is only a hollow cavity where it once shined. It will be sorely missed.

"It is better to have had and lost than to never have had at all." (small adaptation for the situation)

I would like to have a moment of silence.

Thank you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Bubble Gut

After braving the long, cold days of the Iraqi winter, Spring has finally arrived and who better to herald the news to me than my dear old friend, Allstate. I spied him on my window yesterday after many weeks of absence. It was really great to see him again. I will post a pic later to prove his existence.

Defiant against the stifling of my creativity, I have made a photo book of Max and me. It is available for viewing on and really there's no time like the present to stop reading this blog and go check out that site! Like a proud parent, I insist that you be nice to my book and love it as much as Max and I do.

I just felt like run-nin'. Thank you, Forrest.