Thursday, January 17, 2008

Foods I miss

1. Real eggs
2. Grilled Chicken
3. Spinach
4. Whole grain breads
5. Thai food
6. Steak
7. Zucchini
8. String Cheese

and much, much more.

I miss cooking.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year = New Post

Hello again. The new year has begun. Woo-Hoo! I don't make resolutions at the New Year, I do that all throughout the year. Sorry to disappoint you there. :P

It is frickin cold here! Every morning we walk to breakfast and freeze our faces off! Brrr... I don't ever want to come back to this country. It is terrible. I wouldn't even vacation here. Can you imagine it? Should we go to Fiji, Tahiti, or Baghdad? Hmmm... I would take vacationing in Detroit over this place. :)

Haaha, that's funny.