Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jack Sprat ate no Lean?

So, the semester is coming to a close (finally) and I am ready to get back to Houston! Yes, already! Haha. I spent the entire day at school today including attending my Psychology class that I usually skip. Hmmm... I apparently don't have much to say. Or at least nothing interesting to say.
I'm really dreading this whole deployment thing. Beyond the separation from everything I hold dear, it just seems like a hassle! There are so many hoops to jump through and loose ends to tie up before I can go. Boo!! I'm tired of this and it really hasn't even begun.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We'll call it a "laser"

Guess what people? I had Lasik surgery on my eyeballs. Now I can see you for what you really are. If you've been hiding all these years, get ready! 'Cause its out of control now!!!!
Ok maybe not. But I did get a video of my surgery and it was pretty cool. I'm really glad I did it despite all the restrictions I have right now. I can't wear makeup for a week, I can't get water or soap or sweat in my eyes, and I can't eat potatoes. Ok the last one is because of my diet, but still!! My doctor says I have 20/20 now, which is nice. Yay!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have 10,000 eye drops to instill in each of my new eyes.

Monday, April 9, 2007


Just returned from a trip to Oklahoma City, OK where Max and I met up. It was a five hour drive for me and about a seven hour drive for him. We had a good time and I was grateful for the time to spend with him.
The highlight of our trip (besides seeing each other) was probably going to the Memorial for the Oklahoma City bombing. Remember? Yea, way back in 1995. I was almost 13 when it happened.
Max and I walked around the memorial for a while then went through the museum that was located next to it. The photo here is a few of the many chairs that represent the victims of the bombing. The chairs were placed in rows that symbolized the different floors of the building. There were smaller chairs for the child victims.
If you have never been to this memorial or aren't interested, I would persuade you to go to this one. Do it.