Monday, December 24, 2007

What an Incredibly Lonely Feeling....

....being alone in the desert on Christmas. I got up this morning and it was Christmas Eve (because my "morning" was 7pm). I had the day off. I looked around my CHU and found myself alone. I decided to turn on some Christmas carols and drink a cup of joe. Then I began to get this horrible, panicky feeling--I don't want to be alone! I quickly dressed and went to work where I knew people would be.

Luckily for me, I received a package in the mail. Even though the package was from me, I was still very pleased. I decided that it would be my Christmas Eve present. In my family, as well as a lot of others, we open one present on Christmas Eve. I opened up the box to reveal a pink-striped BCBGirls shoe box. I'm pretty sure I squeeled with joy! I oped the shoe box and smiled. There were my long-coveted, now discounted heels. Yay! I hurriedly took off my combat boots and replaced them with the shiny, black patent leather stilettos. Yeah, I'm hot. After strutting around the EMT for a bit, I put them back in their box. Sigh. There's just something about shoes.

Then I went about my business of placing small gifts in my co-workers' boxes. These gifts were given to me by the Jennings group (a church group that my mom belongs to). We are all very thankful for these gifts. There was a nurse who was also placing gifts that he had received in the boxes. His gifts came from his wife's employer--and we are thankful. My gift was a makeup kit full of makeup that I would give my 6 year old daughter (if I had one) because I didn't trust her with makeup that cost anything. Haha. I make me laugh. Anyway, I figure I can use it on someone who falls asleep on the job.

There was a curious box near the office in the EMT full of fun toys. There were jacks, yo-yo's, pickup sticks, hot wheels cars, water guns, silly string, and a beach ball. We were all delighted and seriously amused by these. I had a silly string fight with the doc (video pending release) and we played kick ball with the beach ball for a little while. I played jacks with a nurse until we were interrupted by a flying helicopter inside the EMT. The doc got it in his secret santa swap. The small remote-controlled helicopter was zooming around, bumping into walls, crashing violently on the floor, and really doing a poor job at flying straight. It was great!

We were terribly bored after all that fun and I did not want to go back to my lonely CHU, so I stayed and we watched "Kill Bill: Vol 2" which I enjoy a lot. I think I shall buy it sometime. After the movie was finished and there was nothing left to do, I walked slowly back to my CHU, shoe box in hand, weapon across my chest, fleece jacket zipped up to my nose, and braved the cold, lonely walk back. I changed into pajamas and tried calling my mom on Yahoo! voice--which didn't work.

Now here I am. I am not tired and I have absolutely nothing to do. It is now Christmas Day. Despite my brief interlude of fun in the EMT, my day began lonely and is ending the same. I tried tricking my emotions into thinking that my co-workers could substitute for my loved ones. Apparently, I am too smart for me. Oh well, this season will be over and when it is, I will be just that much more closer to seeing my husband, Max. I miss him terribly.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hair Bonanza!

Ok, its another "What do you guys think?" The color! The style is the same. And yes, I need a haircut because my ends are dead. I'll deal with that later. I don't trust the Iraqi hairdressers here to touch my locks. Yep, I said it.
Update: My Casio camera is repaired but they sent it to Ft. McCoy, WI because they are idiots. It will be a while before they can re-route it to send it here. My hard drive is completely dead. All my data is gone. Ugh. No more mice. The traps are set and the holes are filled with caulk.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Invaders and Thieves

So, there is a mouse in my CHU. Or at least that's what my roommate says. She discovered it yesterday while it was munching on some of my mini-bagels. She chased it around, trying to catch it, but to no avail. We can't figure out how it got in here. We're going to set a trap for it tomorrow. My roommate wanted to name it Ralph (from the Mouse and the Motorcycle). I don't want to name something that I'm trying to kill. Of course, now I am paranoid! Every little sound, I get up, look for it, check the mini-bagels......

On another note, someone stole our front porch. We have these little wooden "porches" outside our CHU and now ours is missing. Someone awful took it. That made me frown. :( Like that. Bastards! Now when I step outside my CHU, I have to look down to make sure I'm not going to trip on a rock or miss the one little step that is still there! I just hope they don't steal that little step. (cross your fingers)

Update: Allstate has gone south for the winter and is no longer hanging out on my window. I hope to see him again in the spring. That is all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Resident Yoda

Life has a way of surprising you (in a good way) from time to time by throwing a bit of wisdom in your path. Wisdom is a welcome surprise to me because I often feel rather foolish. I had been feeling down as of late and upon answering a simple question from a friend, I stumbled upon an incredible insight into my life and the relationships therein.

The question was "What's wrong?" It sounds like a fairly common and easily dismissed question, and it usually is. For some reason, I decided to answer it--honestly. I rambled on and on until I found myself circling a particular subject. The question poser listened and did not speak. After detailing, explaining, and finally questioning my dilemma/hardship, the poser spoke. He stated, what should have been obvious to me, that I needed to examine the foundation of the relationship thoroughly.

I am going to reevaluate some things. Perhaps what once was is not anymore or what's more likely, perhaps it was never what I thought it was to begin with. I'm not upset. I am relieved. I wish I had insight into my own life. Isn't that a silly wish?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We're in That "Getting to Know Each-Other" Phase.

Aha! A second sighting of the infamous LSA kitty! I was returning from the shower yesterday around dusk. The thin, orange-and-white tabby was sharpening his claws on my neighbor's carpet-covered porch. I let out my best "Here kitty kitty!" and he casually disappeared under the CHU. Not at all deterred, I grabbed a tuna pouch and emptied the contents onto a small, round paper plate. I placed this plate under my CHU and went to work.
When I awoke this afternoon (almost dusk again), I checked the status of the tuna platter. It was empty. Something ate the tuna. I have my suspicions.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello Operator?

Can't a girl win? Just once? I promise I won't blow it! Geez.......

I hate Casio. There, I said it. My therapist would be proud. Casio is the worst camera company in the whole universe including that new solar system they found. I have never in my life had such poor customer service. I would suggest that you all take my advice and throw tomatoes at them and yell "Boo!" really loud. Thank you. That made me feel better.

On a lighter note (not really), I may have lost 90% of my photos on my computer because my external hard drive crashed. Yes, if I act depressed, you'll know why. This is a horrible situation! Unless some of the computer nerds here can help me, I'm totally screwed because the companies that do this for business are EXPENSIVE! I mean, I got a quote today for data recovery off the hard drive for a minimum of $1500-2100!!!! Seriously!


That makes me think of Bill The Cat. I don't know why.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I am dipping into another one of my chick flick crazes. Yeah, I know--you don't have to tell me. The only problem is that there is a very limited supply over here. Max sent me a couple DVDs when I first got here that I am forever grateful for. One is The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. The other is called Away From Her which is a story about an aging couple battling with the wife's onset of Alzheimer's disease. Its a heart-wrenching story that will leave you longing to cherish every second of your life and the lives of those you love. It also topped my list of Best Movies For Crying which also includes Simon Birch and I Am Sam. Oh yes, go rent it or buy it if you can!
Anyhow, so I watched The Holiday again tonight and began searching the internet for classic chick flicks that I want to see/own. Here is a starting list in no particular order:

An Affair To Remember *
When Harry Met Sally
To Have and Have Not *
Singin' in the Rain *
Love Affair *
My Favorite Wife *
Catch and Release
Unfinished Business
Breakfast at Tiffany's*
The Philadelphia Story*
It Happened One Night *
Sabrina *
Love Story
Before Sunrise
Hope Floats
Where the Heart is
The English Patient
All About Eve*
The Hours
The Lady Eve
The Shop Around the Corner *
His Girl Friday *
Far From Heaven

Wow and that's only a few of them! Haha!

*now owned

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Holy crap! Its a dude! Yeah, Jason Potts decided to dress up in a Strawberry Shortcake costume that was lovingly donated to us. God bless him. I am the Queen of Hearts (the one on the left). We had a fabulous time trick or treating around the hospital. We got lots of laughs and pictures. Yay! We even went to a costume contest at the local MWR. It was fun. I think next year, I will let Max wear the Queen of Hearts costume and I will be his flamingo-croquet stick. Oh yeah....

Here is another picture. We had a lot of fun with the masks and costumes donated to us. Thank you!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Like a Fish, but Smelly in a Good Way.

So I've been taking lessons at the pool here in an attempt to learn how to swim laps for exercise. Today was a milestone in that journey. I swam the length of the pool without stopping. I was so excited. Then I did it again. I was even more excited! So, I hopped out of the pool to ask if my instructor witnessed my feat. Yay! I felt like a little kid. Did ya see me? Did you see me do it all by myself?! Haha, I love me.

Another notable milestone: I weighed myself today and I've lost ten pounds since deploying to the sandbox. This was not nearly as exciting as the swimming achievement but it was a lot more satisfying and reassuring. Soooooo all this exercise and eating right IS working after all. Aha! I knew it would!

Also, Halloween is tomorrow (I'm excited about this too) and I will be posting pictures later in the week of our "festivities". I will be wearing a Queen of Hearts costume. Yes, I know--scary!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

To Bang or Not To Bang....

I would appreciate your opinions on this recent development. A simple thumbs up or down will suffice, however, if you feel to express your thoughts in more detail then do so. And for all you men out there who wouldn't notice a drastic change in another person's appearance, short of growing a foot out of the top of your head, I cut my bangs. To reference the difference, please see older photos of me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday --er Sunday-- in the Park!

I think I live in a trailer park. I'm pretty sure. I live in a tin can and I share a bathroom with lots of other people. Its kind of like a camping trailer park because you don't drink the water and you have to walk to the showers. Its also a gated community because we have armed guards at all entrances to prevent outsiders from entering.

I live in a camping-gated-trailer park. This realization occurred to me when my neighbor put flamingoes in his front "yard". We don't actually have yards, we have sand-filled barriers. I think I'm going to park a broken down vehicle in mine and maybe a Mary-in-a-half-shell. (That's for you, Mom)!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Turkey Pot Pie is NOT Asian Food

I am tired.
I am bored.
I have a headache.
I have a bike.
I need a coffee brush.
I need a backrub.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Of Mice and CHU

Iraqi Wildlife: Part One

Across the vast expanse of barren wasteland called the Anbar province, there is little life to be found. An occasional fly can be seen seeking out the moist areas of your face--your eyes or mouth. Otherwise the hot desert sun keeps most creatures out of sight during daytime hours. When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, curiously fast lizards about 2 inches long from nose to tail appear everywhere. They scatter when you shine a light on the ground or wall. They are sand-colored, gecko-looking lizards and one lives on my window. His name is "Allstate" and he can be found every night stuck to the glass pane outside my CHU. I'm not sure what his mission is. I would like to think that he's there catching and eating mosquitos but I may just be hopeful.

Below the window where my lizard friend lives are several sand-filled barriers. The sides of these barriers are made of a wire netting and the tops are uncovered, exposing the sand and pebbles inside of them. On these barriers outside of my CHU live two mice. They are very small; their bodies measuring no longer than 1 1/2 inches. They are a grayish-brown color and quite cute. They scurry away behind the barriers at any sound or flash of light. As an experiment, I broke up a strawberry pop-tart and placed it on the top of one of the barriers to see if they would eat it. The next morning, every last piece was gone! Now when I come home at night, instead of scurrying away, the two mice sit on the edge of the barrier looking at me. I can't tell if they want another pop-tart or if they just aren't scared of me anymore. I am told by my Command that a lot of these 'field mice' have rabies. I have decided not to invite my mice neighbors in for tea and strawberry pop-tarts.

The most exciting creature I have spotted here was running across the gravel pathway between my CHU and the cement T-walls that surround our row. A small, thin, orange-and-white tabby cat ran from under my CHU to the next row without stopping to see if I had any tuna to offer it. This chance meeting happened during the day when I was coming back to my CHU for a drink of water. I was told later that other cats have been seen also--a gray one and a white one. The rumor is that the cats were released into our compound to control the mouse population so that snakes were not enticed into our living area. If that is the case, then I hope they release a few more cats here because I'm terrified of snakes especially the black cobras that have been seen around the hospital gate.

Stay tuned: I promise to keep you updated on the Iraqi wildlife I encounter here.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Chuck Norris and Me

When Chuck Norris went to Al Asad Airbase, his first goal was to meet SPC Olmstead (Magee). In true Norris fashion, he met his goal. He found his way to the hospital on post and proceeded to find this SPC. She was wandering around the hallways bored. When he saw her, he immediately asked for a picture with this lovely lady and his wish was granted.

What a wonderful day for Chuck Norris! :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update Email

Okay. I am pretty well settled in here in my little can or CHU (contained housing unit). It is pretty much a metal box or trailer that four of us live in. Each person is given a wall locker and a bunk. I was lucky enough to get a CHU that already had lots of extra things left in it. The previous residents left a mini-fridge, TV, DVD player, microwave, two bookcases, and plenty of plastic storage bins. We had to track down the previous residents and pay them for all those things but it was reasonably cheap--I can't complain. Some people here moved into their cans and the previous residents didn't leave anything at all. Like I said, we really lucked out. I have my area set up cubicle-style. In my corner, there are two walls--one with my bed along it and the other I have plastic bins stacked up. To make up the other side of my cubicle, I have two wall lockers and a bookcase that are arranged like an "L". It works out nicely. I'm not really good at estimating space, but I'd guess that I have approximately 6x9 square feet of living space to myself. I have a little coffee bar set up complete with an Al Asad Airbase mug that was given to me by the previous residents.

The electrical sources here are new and interesting to me. I have 220V power outlets in the CHU. The previous residents left a converter so that I can also use 110V power (that's what we use in the States). Its been interesting learning about the difference voltages. So now I have two different power strips under my bed, one for each voltage. Also, I had an interesting experience with an alarm clock I bought here at the PX. It was adjustable to either voltage and had an additional option for either 50hrz or 60hrz. I have never heard of that before. So, I assumed that if I was connected to 220V that naturally I would place the selector switch to 60hrz. I was naturally wrong! :) When my alarm went off the next morning at 0500, the time on my watch was 0634 and I had to be at work at 0700. That made for a fun morning. Anyhow, a nice girl in the hospital helped me out and now my alarm clock works just fine. Yay!

As far as living in Iraq goes, it's not much different than living in Kuwait. It is a bit cooler here than Kuwait, which is nice because Kuwait was hell. Haha. Mostly it is just windy and hot. Sometimes the sand/dust is picked up in the wind, sometimes it's not. It's very strange. Since I have been working nights, I have been avoiding the hot part of the day by sleeping in my CHU. On a side note, the other three girls in my can all work days and that a-okay to me! Anyhow, another difference between here and Kuwait is that you can see the stars at night here. In Kuwait, there was too much sand/dust in the air to see anything at all. I'm acclimated to this place already, it's really not that bad. We're headed out of the hot season now, so things should get continually better here.

Okay: my work. As I've mentioned before I work in the EMT section of our hospital. The EMT is just army lingo for ER. Currently, we are divided into two 12 hour shifts--I work the night shift. I volunteered for this shift and I really like the guys I work with. We are still working with the previous hospital unit. They are sticking around for a week or two to show us the ropes and then we are on our own. The hospital building is pretty nice. We have good equipment and plenty of supplies--I can't complain. My favorite thing is that the all the walls in the hospital are dry erase board!! So if anyone is at a loss of what to send me, you can always send me dry erase markers! That way I can leave fun doodles on the walls for the next shift. :) Moving on: The EMT is staffed with one doctor, 2-3 nurses, and 4-6 medics per shift. It just depends on how many are on duty elsewhere or have a day off. So far, we haven't been very busy. Most of my time in the EMT has been spent training on the equipment, paperwork, and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). The previous unit will be leaving soon and then I will be able to see patients without anyone holding my hand. We haven't been busy since we arrived--mostly minor "emergencies". We did, however, have a canine patient the other night. Most of our patients come to us via a MEDEVAC helicopter and even though we are an Army hospital, we treat all military and civilians that come to us. Anyhow, the patient was a military working dog named Pattie. She suffered spinal trauma during a training exercise in Fallujah (I think). The veterinary team was here waiting for her. We didn't work on her, we just allowed the vet team to use one of our beds and some of our supplies. It was honestly not that exciting. Haha.

I'm not sure how familiar you all are with what I do as a medic in the EMT and I'm still learning myself. Mostly, I cut patient's clothes off, start IVs, obtain blood samples and vital signs, and do whatever the docs and nurses ask me to. I do a lot more over here than I could back home in the civilian sector. My scope of practice would be similar to a paramedic that mated with an LPN. Haha, that made me giggle. Anyhow, I'm not sure what to write here. I guess if you have any specific questions about what I do--just ask! :)

Well, I think that's all I can stomach for now. Feel free to ask me any questions--I promise to try to explain things here as best as I can. I will probably send out emails like this periodically, not consistently. :)

I miss everyone. I hope things are well for you and I can't wait to come back home.

Friday, August 31, 2007

I smell pastries!

So I have nothing new to say because nothing new is happening here. I think I want to get a bicycle when I get to Al Asad. A few people have them here and I think that would not only be a great way to get around, but good exercise as well. Jac and I could sing Queen's bicycle song together--Yay! I miss that.

My first goal when we get there is to set up my coffee bar--complete with Dunkin' Donuts coffee, equal sweetener, and powdered creamer. Oh yeah!! Earlier someone had a doughnut or something similar in here because I could smell it. Its amazing how potent it was. I guess I've gotten used to the horrid smell of Kuwait when a simple doughnut smells incredibly wonderful!

My second goal is develop my routine and find my "happy place". I'm pretty confident that my happy place will be conversations with my husband, Max. One soldier said that his happy place was sitting atop his barracks watching the flight line; another soldier's happy place involved hitting golf balls into the nearby mine field--to each his own.

Part of that last goal includes physical fitness. A friend of mine here has developed a weight lifting program for me. Combined with a running program that Bryant gave me, I hope to have my PT underway and happy! Yay!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kuwait does not mean "Cool Wait"

I guess I'm waiting. I think that's what this is all about. Its hot. Its windy. Its sandy. Did I mention yet that it is hot? Hmmm....
Wow. I couldn't describe this heat adequately. The only things I can compare it to is having a blow dryer on high on your skin or perhaps being inside of a convection oven.
I am already looking forward to leaving this place and I haven't been here a full day yet.
I can't write too much about what's going on here but instead I will say that I miss being home. I miss everyone. I will send my address as soon as I get it.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Our Nation's Capital

Or is it 'Capitol'??? I'll never remember.

Oh well, Max and I are here in Washington, DC for my block leave. We are having a fabulous time. Yesterday I arrived at the airport around 11am. I found out earlier that morning that he missed his plane because he was 5 minutes late to the boarding time. Boo! Oh well, he was placed on standby and made it here later that afternoon. I, however, got the rental car and went shopping! I had way too much fun! I even got a pedicure. :D

When Max showed up, I picked him up from the airport and we came back to our hotel-which by the way is amazing!!! It is probably the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at. I really like the bathroom (don't make fun of me!). For dinner, we found a pretty cool Thai restaurant so that I could have Pad Thai (my favorite dish). We also tried these little tofu triangles that were super good.

We went out to breakfast this morning at a little bistro-type restaurant down the street. It was good minus the coffee grounds in my coffee. :( We spent the bulk of the day downtown on the Mall looking at the various monuments and memorials. I was really moved by the Vietnam memorial and the Women's Vietnam memorial. I got pretty choked up at the number of soldiers that were lost. It made my job in Iraq feel more significant. :)

We are going to the Melting Pot for dinner tonight--I can't wait!!! I love that place. Then we're going to party it up in Georgetown. Yay!

I will write more later--maybe. Oh!!! and 340 days and counting!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I cannot wait for Friday! Yay! I am going on my leave prior to leaving the country and I'm ecstatic. Max and I are going to Washington, D.C. just for kicks.
I am sad that the trip is going to be so short but I'd rather have it than not.
I will be sending out my mailing address as soon as I can get it. When I do send it out, I expect letters, people!

That's all for now. Out.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

368 Days and Counting........

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I just got my smallpox vaccine today and I am officially contagious! Yay! I am tired and bored.
I wish I were on an island somewhere in a hammock with a Corona, like the commercials. Yeah....

Friday, June 29, 2007

Back in the Saddle, Again

Ok, so I couldn't access my blog down in Camp Bullis, TX. Sorry.... Oh well! I got back to Ft. McCoy yesterday morning. I am thankful for the lack of humidity here, although the temperatures are much cooler and it'll take some getting used to! So we're officially mobilizing now and my countdown has begun!! I believe I am at 390 days or so! Hahaha... I know its ridiculous!
Not much is going on here for me to talk about. I miss everyone and I can't wait for my (possible) 5 day pass at the end of August.
Some bad news.... My new camera is malfunctioning and I have to send it to a Casio repair shop in New Jersey. Boo! Hopefully they'll return it to me in a timely fashion--Yay!
Otherwise, I am staying optimistic and keeping everything light. There are a lot of people out here breeding negativity and I'm determined to be their counter-balance! Anyhow, not much to say (like I said) hahaha.
Any questions? The forum has officially opened.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane.....

So we leave tonight for San Antonio. We leave super late at night and that makes us all a bit irritable. We will be spending close to three weeks down in balmy Camp Bullis. From what I've heard from the first group that went down there, it isn't a great place to be. I've seen pictures of scorpions and vultures. I can't wait! (sarcasm)
Besides that, I am just hanging out here, biding my time. I have to get back to the barracks and pack soon. Boo!! I watched 'Cold Mountain' last night. I cried like a baby. Partly, because it was a super sad movie, but also because I've been feeling emotional the last day or two. All these old buried emotions are surfacing and causing me stress. I don't like it. Nope. Sure don't. The bad thing is that its not even my fault! Some people can be so insensitive!
Anyhow... I will write more when I'm down in Texas. I will write about our adventures. Perhaps I can get a pic of me and my new buddy, the vulure.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day 12 of My Captivity....

So far, Fort McCoy is BORING! We do "classroom" stuff during the morning and early afternoon followed by some PT (Physical Training for those of you who are not military minded). After dinner, I usually watch a movie, go to the computer lab, or do laundry. That's seriously all I do. That's it. Blam.
I have very limited internet access. Basically, I have this blog and my gmail account. Blam. I don't really have much to say because there's really nothing going on to talk about.
I'm sorry.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pre-Mobilization Blah Blah

Soooooooooo, the internet sucks here at Ft. McCoy. It takes forever to get into my inbox and Facebook and Myspace are just impossible. You would assume that blogger would be the same--no. So, I think until the internet improves or I get to Iraq, I will use this as a way of communicating with people.
Yay! Boo!
I just found out that my sister, Amara, got married earlier this week. I guess she didn't want anyone to know because I only found out from my mom who happened to see the marriage certificate that was mailed to my sister. Hmmm.... Well, I guess I won't call and congratulate her as it seems as if she really didn't want to tell anyone. :P
So far I'm not unhappy with my stay here at Ft. McCoy. All of the girls that live in the building I live in are really great. We all get along well! Yay! We spend most of our days getting prepared for overseas deployment and a good portion of our afternoons in the gym. I have quit wearing makeup completely and I left my hair dryer and chi iron at home. So, I will spend the next year plus looking like roadkill--that is okay with me! ;)
I miss you Max, Jacque, Everyone else too that I don't have time to mention... Oh! I miss my kitties too! So there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Quit Whining!

Hello again. Yesterday, Max and I headed out to a local winery to take a tour. On the way we got stuck in traffic because of a fatality accident. Not so cool. Anyhow, we arrived at the winery later than intended but decided to try it out anyways. We missed the last tour but the lady, who I can only assume was supposed to be a sommelier, offered us a free wine tasting. We accepted. She showed us four wines and explained their different characteristics to us. Despite the vast array of "flavors" such as cherry, raspberry, and oak, Max and I thought they all tasted like burnt leather. Haha. Every wine we tried was awful--just awful! Perhaps a bit too politely, we took our leave and bolted! We both agreed never to go there again despite promising the "sommelier" to return for a tour at a later date. We also agreed that next time if we're in the mood to tour a winery that we will go to Napa Valley and taste wines worthy of tasting! Yay!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Wonderful Adventure: Part One

Approximately a week prior to arriving in Houston, my boyfriend, Max, told me of a surprise (hahaha, I spelled it right!). The only information I received was to wear comfortable clothes (like workout attire) that I didn't mind getting wet in. The conditions I was told were possibly wet and windy. I was thinking paintball or slip'n'slide! hahaha. On Friday at lunch, Max informed me that we were to be skydiving! To say that I was thrilled would be an understatement! The weather was not looking good for us that Saturday morning when we arrived at the site. The sky was overcast and I was scared it was going to start to rain. Luckily for us, after about two hours of waiting the weather turned favorable and we suited up. Max and I were paired with experienced jumpers and given our "briefing". The plane took us to a height of 14,000 feet and we jumped fearlessly out of the plane! It was absolutely amazing. Free falling was really fun! We spun around and enjoyed the adrenaline rush. We fell a total of 8,000 ft before we used the parachute. After the parachute deployed, we gently glided down to the ground. All in all, it was spectacular and I want to do it again!!! The picture above is Max and I after our jump standing in front of the plane that took us up.

After our exhilirating morning, we went to a brewery for a tour. It was called St. Arnold's Brewery. For $5 a head, you receive a beer glass and four wooden tokens. A speech on the history of beer and the brewery was given and then we were let loose to enjoy the many beers available. Above is a photo of Max and me in front of the main bar. Jacque and Bryant met us there to partake in the festivities and we all had a great time! Yay!

More fun tales of Max and me coming soon!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jack Sprat ate no Lean?

So, the semester is coming to a close (finally) and I am ready to get back to Houston! Yes, already! Haha. I spent the entire day at school today including attending my Psychology class that I usually skip. Hmmm... I apparently don't have much to say. Or at least nothing interesting to say.
I'm really dreading this whole deployment thing. Beyond the separation from everything I hold dear, it just seems like a hassle! There are so many hoops to jump through and loose ends to tie up before I can go. Boo!! I'm tired of this and it really hasn't even begun.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We'll call it a "laser"

Guess what people? I had Lasik surgery on my eyeballs. Now I can see you for what you really are. If you've been hiding all these years, get ready! 'Cause its out of control now!!!!
Ok maybe not. But I did get a video of my surgery and it was pretty cool. I'm really glad I did it despite all the restrictions I have right now. I can't wear makeup for a week, I can't get water or soap or sweat in my eyes, and I can't eat potatoes. Ok the last one is because of my diet, but still!! My doctor says I have 20/20 now, which is nice. Yay!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have 10,000 eye drops to instill in each of my new eyes.

Monday, April 9, 2007


Just returned from a trip to Oklahoma City, OK where Max and I met up. It was a five hour drive for me and about a seven hour drive for him. We had a good time and I was grateful for the time to spend with him.
The highlight of our trip (besides seeing each other) was probably going to the Memorial for the Oklahoma City bombing. Remember? Yea, way back in 1995. I was almost 13 when it happened.
Max and I walked around the memorial for a while then went through the museum that was located next to it. The photo here is a few of the many chairs that represent the victims of the bombing. The chairs were placed in rows that symbolized the different floors of the building. There were smaller chairs for the child victims.
If you have never been to this memorial or aren't interested, I would persuade you to go to this one. Do it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I hail from Houston?

Yay! I am in Houston right now with Max. He is taking a nap while I do my Calculus homework... or that was what I was doing until I stopped...
I love being here with him! It just feels right. :D The weather here is beautiful. Its a bit humid for my taste but that also makes everything look so fresh. Yay! I will post a pic later on this blog to show what I'm talking about. :)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love Max!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Integrate this!

I am very ready for spring break! I only have one more day of school (tomorrow) before it starts and I am impatient! So far, I'm doing pretty well in my classes this semester. I would be happier if I were going to school near Max and I could see him all the time instead of having to fly down there every couple of weeks! Blah.

I miss the ocean. I grew up on the east coast and there are a lot of things that are unique to living in the area. I wish I had time to go visit there before I leave for Iraq. That would be nice. I heard through the grapevine that they closed down one of my favorite childhood restaurants in Newport. I am very disappointed. I hope it isn't true!

Today was rainy and gloomy. Boo! It just makes me want to nap all day. I am supposed to go running today and I'm not feeling my normal motivation. One thing that makes me happy today is all the blooming trees and bushes! I get so excited to see all the new life despite the dismal skies.

I am going to have a freak attack because my Biology Lab grade is STILL not in!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Pat's Fiesta

Wow! I look so surprised to have two lovely ladies on my arms. Hehe. Yay! St. Patrick's Day was fun! I went to a local bar with a bunch of people from my unit and Jacque came along too! We had WAY too much fun and I ended up coming home drunk before 10pm. Hehe. I do what I can.
I think I look plastic in that picture. Hmmm...

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I have a Calculus exam tomorrow.

Enough said.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Way They Were, Are, Will Be

I have always been able to remember my dreams. I usually have vivid dreams with a singular theme unique to each dream. I do have a few reoccurring themes; the premise will change but the subject remains the same.

For example, I occasionally have dreams involving multiple tornadoes. I will always see these tornadoes outside from a good distance away and know that I need to seek cover. The setting always changes and my 'cover' is always different. Consistently, I avoid the tornadoes and am safe. I have never been sucked up into one, although in one particular dream the house was lifted up from around me and destroyed--still I was safe. The tornadoes are not so much scary as they are a signal for me to run and find cover. I know that there is imminent danger but I am not terrified. Once I find my cover, I am content.

Another repeated theme is alligators or large reptile-like creatures. They are usually in water in my dreams and I occasionally wrestle with them. They always take me by surprise and are very aggressive. Once a large reptilian was present in a small pond/pool of water in one of my tornadic dreams. As I was seeking cover from the impending storm, the reptile grabbed me and we began wrestling in the water. I am never physically injured by these alligators. I just know that it is something I have to deal with.

Most of my dreams involve water in one way or another. I've already mentioned the reptiles in water, but I also encounter water in conjunction with other odd things. For instance, I have had several dreams of amusement parks that are 'flooded' in waist-deep water. I don't know what amusement parks signify, but every dream dictionary on the market will say that water represents emotion. Go figure.

One frustrating theme is shopping. Every so often, I will dream that I am shopping for something. I will never get to the purchasing aspect of shopping, just the looking part. If I see an item that I like it will either not be my size, change by the time I touch it, or vanish completely. My shopping desires are never and I mean NEVER quenched. It is the most frustrating of all my dreams. I will become upset at my bad luck and yet I am compelled to continue to shop. Oh, and I am always alone when I dream shop.

Apart from dreaming of houses and other everyday things, I do not have some of the more common dreams that the masses do. I have never flown or fallen. I have never realized I was dreaming while asleep. I often praise myself for having vivid, exciting dreams and yet I seem to be missing out on some of the most basic dreams!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Totally Spectacular (in a good way)

So I'm not a poet. I can't express myself with crystal clear imagery. I'm a work in progress. :)

Today, I ran the St. Patrick's Day Run with Jacque here in Kansas City. The weather was beautiful and I was too! Yay! There was a super flamboyant announcer who insisted that today was St. Patrick's Day (it isn't). He was quickly followed by a guy insisting on being Irish--silly man. The run itself was fine. Jac and I achieved our goal and that's what matters. Our goal was finishing! hehehe After the run, Jac and I witnessed a car wreck on Broadway. It was interesting. Luckily, no one was hurt thanks to our lightning fast reflexes! Then we ate breakfast and downloaded "powersongs" for running (such as Eye of the Tiger). You don't have to tell me that I'm awesome, I know this because I am me.
Did I mention that I'm head over heels in love with Max Magee? If not, then let me just tell you........

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What the heck is an "Ide" anyways?

So I have just returned from another successful trip to Texas to see Max. I miss him already! We had a fabulous time as usual. We spent the weekend in Austin, TX and the rest of the trip in Houston.

We arrived in Austin in the afternoon a little later than we had originally planned because Continental Airlines had neglected to put one of my bags on my flight that arrived Friday night. The second bag arrived the next morning and we went to the airport to pick it up then left from there to drive to Austin. After settling into our hotel, we drove to Lake Travis to a place called the Oasis. The Oasis is a bar/restaurant that overlooks the lake from the east side. This makes it ideal to watch the sun set over the lake. So that's why we went there. Unfortunately, it was really cold and the wind kept making it a bit worse. Max was really awesome for buying me a sweatshirt to keep warm in while we sat on the deck of the Oasis. The sunset was beautiful and well worth the trip (picture shown here). After that, we drove back to the hotel and got ready to go out to 6th street for the night. The first stop on 6th street was the Iron Cactus. We both had a margarita and sat at a table on the second floor overlooking the street. Max's margarita had jalapenos in it which was surprisingly tasty--haha! Then we made our way to another bar called The Library. That was a really fun place. There were lots of leather bound books and it reeked of rich mahongany--ok maybe not, but it was a cool bar. I tried to throw a penny into a girl's cleavage from the second level but I missed by almost a foot! Oh well, better luck next time! From there, we went to another bar that I can't remember the name of and took some photos in one of those photo booths. We had another drink, arm wrestled, and listened to a band play. We were going to look for a bar that my friend Bryant recommended for the end of the night but we gave up after walking only a block or two because I was stumbling over the bricks of the road--I was a bit tipsy. We ended up at a bar called Jax or Jazz or something like that. We ate some food and I got my finger pinched in the lock of the bathroom stall. Hmmm.... This bar had live music also. There was a dude playing piano then following him was a chick on acoustic guitar. It was an okay bar. Then we went back to the hotel. The following morning we ate at La Madeleine--which is fast becoming 'our place'. It was all very nice. Then we drove back to Houston.

The rest of my trip was spent in Houston and it was lovely. I hated leaving and I want to go back NOW! I will be returning to Houston for my spring break at the end of this month. Yay!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Potatoes are Scurry!

This time tomorrow I will be landing in Houston, TX! Yee-Haw! I will be visiting my boyfriend Max for 5 days and 4 nights (I want to say 'Air and Accomodations' but I can't figure out how to work it!). I can't wait! We will be taking a day trip to Austin, TX to frolic and be merry.

Today I went on a crazy shopping spree! Phew! I am done! I am ready to study Calculus now. Blah. Well, honestly I'm ready for sleep... I went to dinner with Jacque tonight and the new quote is:

"My broccoli is just TOO BIG!"

Hehe, I think that's funny.

I love you, Max!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dementia is a Crutch

Good morning readers! I am having a fabulous day-as usual! Yay! I get to see Max in less than four days and I am ecstatic. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I have begun to crack down on my health/fitness routine. Its time for parts of me to go! Ha! I'm silly. Several years ago after I got off of depo provera (the birth control shot) and had gained quite a few pounds, I did the South Beach Diet. It worked really well and I felt wonderful. My body felt and looked healthy. Unfortunately, I went right back on the shot and gained it all back over a period of 2 years or so. Blah. So here I am once again, not on birth control and ready to face the mad world of the SBD. This time however, I will NOT go back on the shot--You can't make me! I won't do it! (<-- this is me not budging)

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

In over my head?

I was gone for two weeks from school and now I'm bogged down with homework, exams, quizzes, etc. I have so much to do that I can't even concentrate on one thing! I just keep staring at the paper in a daze. Blah!
Part of me wants to take a quick cat nap to energize myself, but I'm afraid I won't wake up at all! I am tired.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Frozen Nose Hairs

I am assuming that this is the correct web address for my photos from Ft. McCoy. If not then I will edit this later. Yay!! Well lots has happened since I last wrote. I went to Ft. McCoy, WI for two weeks for military training. The night I returned, Max flew in from Houston! Yay! We had a fantastic weekend. I will be going to see him in less than two weeks and I am thrilled!
Fort McCoy was freezing! It was an average of 35 below zero (with wind chill) for the first week we were there. It warmed up to a balmy 14 degrees by the time we left. As soon as you walked outdoors, your nose hairs froze and you could feel your skin losing circulation. It was awful. Despite the terrible weather, we had a good time. We had a fair amount of personal time to do with what we pleased. So, Sarah, Journey, and I took advantage of that to have WAY too much fun. (Pictured above are the 3 ninjas of Ft. McCoy). Anyhow, it was a wonderful bonding experience for everyone.
Max and I had a wonderful but short weekend together. We ate fried green beans, made pancakes, surveyed the jewelry market, compared fabric softeners, and enjoyed each others' skin! ;) Max also met a few of my friends: Jeff, Kevin, Sarah, and Journey. We also went out for breakfast on Sunday morning with Jacket. That was nice! I miss him terribly already and will be impatient for March 2nd.
The End.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Gray Matter

You walk into a room. There are four walls each with a chair in the center of the wall. Each chair has a person sitting in it.

The first wall to your left is painted blue like the ocean and the person is a man of about fifty years. He is wearing a simple suit of brown corduroy, has a well-kept beard, and has a hard-cover book in his hands.

The second wall in front of you is painted every color of the rainbow and the person is a man of about thirty years. He is wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the logo of some trendy bar on the front. He is reclining in the chair; seems laid-back and honest.

The third wall to your right is made of steel, almost like an armoured vehicle. The person is a man in his thirties wearing a button up shirt and pressed slacks. His hair is cut short and he sits rigidly in his chair with a manila envelope across his lap.

The fourth and final wall behind you is made of what seems like thick glass; but you cannot see through it. The person in the chair is a woman of about twenty-five. She is moderately attractive, confidant, and expressive. She wears a summer dress and sandals and holds a pen in her right hand.

As you look around the room at the four distinct areas, you find yourself drawn to each one. Meanwhile the woman is talking gingerly with the other three men. The man in front of the blue wall is talking with the man in front of the steel wall. The man in front of the rainbow wall will only talk to the woman across from him. All four of them are talking at you also. The noise sounds similar to that of an audience in a theater before the show begins--low rumbling voices, distant but noticeable. Every now and then one of the people sitting in the chairs succeeds in drowning out the other three.

And you have no chair.

Monday, January 29, 2007

It was just a moment, okay?

Picture this: I am sitting in a hallway with a friend from Calculus, studying for that class. While "studying" I received two phone calls (Max and my mom). Anyhow, this friend and I begin talking about ringtones and I mentioned my super cool Pink Panther ringback tone. She wanted to hear it, so she dialed my number and put the song on speaker. Immediately it began to play... dun dun dun dun dun sche sche sche dun dun dun dun... Yea you all know it. Well, then my phone began to ring. I thought maybe Max was calling again, but when I picked it up there was a strange number that I didn't recognize. So I answered...................

....................and heard my own voice say "Hello?" on her speakerphone. I threw the phone down on the desk in mortification and surprise! I am an idiot. We laughed so hard I thought I was going to puke right there!

So everyone has those moments, I only pity the fools who that happens to more than once a year. Hahahaha... yea I'm still laughing at me!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

We Belong at Applebee's!

So the singing and dancing shrimp would say.

I am very satisfied with my strengthening will power. I didn't want to run today. Though I had no reason. I made myself do it. Yay!! I was hurting a little when I was finished--my left leg muscles were complaining. So I plan to stretch the hell out of them to teach 'em a lesson--so there! I've been trying to eat well; which is going alright. I've switched out my two eggs and toast in the morning for a "special K"-like brand of cereal. I've been opting for smaller portions and trying to eat my veggies--just like mom told me to. :D I'm getting impatient for results, when what I should be focused on is making all of this a habit. Hopefully I will obtain both results and healthy habits! Yay!

I was struck by something I read this afternoon on myspace. My best friend, Jacket, posted a bulletin titled "Finish this" or something to that effect. It was another one of those silly questionnaires. The idea was to finish the sentence. For example, "Babies are..." or "My last kiss was....". You get the idea. Anyhow, one of the sentences started with "The last time I cried was because..." and Jac finished it with "my friend is leaving". Now I'm not entirely sure she's talking about me but I assume that because she mentioned my leaving earlier in the same questionnaire. It made me sad to think that she cried. So I messaged her. Then a bit later, I was looking through the pics on my cell phone and I noticed that she wasn't smiling in any of the pics of her (I believe there were 4 pics). Again, I was sad. It made me think of a similar instance years ago when she was upset with me because I didn't smile in an entire roll of film (I wasn't in every picture, but a few). AND it was her birthday dinner--oops. I think I was being Emo ;) Anyhow, I don't know. It was just one of the things that grabbed my attention today. I don't want to leave anyone here, ESPECIALLY not Jacquita. She's my elbow (I'm not sure which one) and I believe I'm her knee... I don't remember. Its been awhile since I've auctioned off body parts. Hmmm....

Jac-a-lope--I love you babe!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I had a b-e-a-u-tiful run today. Everything felt nice. I got all my homework done and managed to organize my bills, etc. Yay!!

Jacque and I went to lunch today at Olive Garden. Soup, salad, and breadsticks are your friend!! I gave her her birthday present and we had a good time. Our server was funny and we laughed a lot. We were taking pictures before we left and our server jumped right in too! Then as we were standing out front and hugging an old man came out of nowhere and he wanted to hug us too! ahhahahaahha! It was hilarious. I left with a smile on my face.

This next week is going to be a bit challenging. I have school for the next four days, then two days of drill, and then another day of school before I have a day off. Phew! Oh well, I just want the time to pass quickly so that I can see Max again. WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

I went through a bunch of old letters today after I organized my bills/papers. I have a medium-sized rubbermaid container full of these letters and cards. I sorted them and read a few. I had several pen pals over the years. The first one was a sailor that I had met while I lived in Virginia. He wrote me for several years before he got married, and then I lost track of him. I also had a pen pal from France that I was assigned my freshman year of high school through some sort of service. She was really nice but we stopped talking when Clinton did Lewinski. Go figure. Then I had lots of letters from my old best friend who I also met in Virginia. We remained friends for several years until she had a child and I didn't hear from her much after that. Let's see.... there were a lot from my ex-fiance. Those ended with the breakup-haha. I had a large number of letters from my mom from when I was in basic training. I really appreciate that she wrote me regularly. It helped a great deal. There were a lot of birthday cards from over the years and few other miscellaneous things. It was nice (and interesting) to look back over some of those letters. I only wish that I had a copy of the letters that I wrote. I don't get to see what I had to say back then, or how I've changed. All in all, a very eye-opening afternoon.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lock the Cash Box

Happy Birthday Jacque!!

Last night was the annual Cosby Sweater Party. Well, this was the first time we had this party but I'm sure it'll happen again! Yay!! We celebrated Jacque and Kevin's birthdays at a bowling alley while wearing ridiculous Cosby sweaters. haha. Here is a pic of Jac and me. Yes, I am indeed rocking a side ponytail! It was a lot of fun, but my arm is sore! I had a game of extreme-snowball before going to the bowling alley. Phew! I tell ya man! Check out my myspace page for the full photo slideshow!

Friday, January 19, 2007


I am feeling rather complacent this moment. It could be the 7 & 7 I had at the bar or perhaps I am just happy to be unconcerned.

This afternoon I was supposed to go on a 'tour' of Kansas City, however, we only made it as far as Independence square. It was freezing cold and there was no sun to be seen much less felt. After sifting through a few of the shops and snapping a few pics of the courthouse and Truman statue, we ate a square pizza. It was okay, but I'm not a huge fan of artichokes and there were a lot on the pizza. Afterwards, we went to the courthouse bar and had a drink. The bar was in the basement and the ceilings were really low. It was a cute, dimly lit place with thick black paint on the rafters and no music playing. After attempting conversation for a while, I went home.

On the way back I was listening to John Mayer's second album "Clarity". I love his music. Perhaps that's the real reason I feel so subdued. I have a strong desire to go to sleep and wake up exactly one month from now. You know how those lunatics always talk about being 'in tune' with the universe? I imagine that they're talking about my current state. God bless them and all the little munchkins.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Winter Holiday

I arrived late last night into Kansas City which ended my wonderful, but short winter holiday. I went down to Houston in the spur of the moment in order to see Max. We had an awesome time together! I was able to see a bit of the city he lives in, his apartment, and meet a few of the friends that he hangs out with. It was really nice to be able to do that. Now when he tells me where he is, what he is doing, etc, I can imagine it with a dose of reality instead of my own contrivance of what his world is composed of. Yay!

All in all, I really liked what I saw of Houston, although I was suprised by the number of palm trees--Those were unexpected. The city itself is really big. We drove for a long time and didn't see all of it. We went out to eat at a few places, watched a movie, played in an arcade, and generally just enjoyed each other's company. Sigh. It was nice.

Some more serious talk of the future of "us" was discussed--I am very happy for it. I guess I could say a lot more about this and other things but I think I will keep it vague here for the online community and instead write details in my own personal journal. Yea.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Savoir Faire

My hands smell like oranges.

Most days I am comfortably safe with my image, but occasionally I get glimpses into reality and sometimes I'm pleased, sometimes I'm not. Today I was not. Thankfully, with my Mrs. Fix-It personality I can see solutions to these problems. In fact, I am quite good at problem solving, My expertise ends when the solutions are supposed to be implemented. A lot of times, I fail to follow through. This frustrates me.

I ran 2.25 miles today and I like it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Thousand Pardons

Today I had one class: Calculus. I spent more time driving to and from school than I did in the classroom. Anyhow, the drive afforded me time to enjoy some of my favorite songs on my iPod. I got super teared up on one particular song--I will share a few excerpts from what I was listening to this morning/afternoon. WARNING: What you are about to read is sugar-coated love songs, 'Chicago', anyone?!

"Please don't say I love you
those words touch me much to deeply
and they make my core tremble
don't think you realize the effect you have over me
and please don't look at me like that
it just makes me want to make you near me always..

and when you look in my eyes please know my heart is in your hands
its nothing that I understand
but when in your arms you have complete power over me
so be gentle if you please cause your hands are in my hair
but my heart is in your teeth baby
it makes me want to make you near me always..."
--Jewel, Near You Always (Pieces of You)

"I remember when you used to be mine
Way back when
I was too naive to love you right
But now, if I only had the opportunity
I would do anything
Because my heart still believes

Maybe you could be mine again
Maybe we could make that dream for real
Like way back then
When love was yours and mine
Maybe we could bring it back to life

It's irrelevant to dwell on the past
I'm accountable for what went bad
And I mean that
But I keep on praying for another chance
Just to have you back
'Cause I've grown
And I know how to be your everything

No, no it ain't over yet
I just can't accept the possibility
We weren't made for each other's arms
I know you're my destiny
We can't erase what was meant to be
Part of you and part of me
If we try one more time
Maybe somehow we'll survive"
Mariah Carey, Mine Again (Emancipation of MiMi)

Yes Yes, you are sorry for looking at this, I know. However, this blog is entitled "Inside Andrea's Head" and I do have a cheesy, romantic side. So there!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I've got a feeling

Yay! I get to go down to Houston in less than a week (to see Max)!!! I win!

Last night I watched the Ohio State--Florida game with my friend Craig. I carelessly chose Ohio State as "my team". They sucked it up. Boo! Afterwards we went to his friends house and we watched "Grandma's Boy", which is becoming a frequent thing for me. I saw the movie first when Max came up to visit, then I watched it again with my friends Jeff and Andy, and then again last night. Crazy. Its an awesome movie though, so I won't apologize for it. I didn't get home until 3 this morning, I was pretty tired by then.

I have lots of things on my mind to deal with now: school, army, school, army, and oh yea, school. It seems that a few of my classes are going to be quite intense. I am ready for it though. One of my major dilemmas as of late was whether or not I'd be able to get in another semester of school before leaving for Iraq. This really stressed me out. Now that I've finally determined what I'm going to do with my life, it was very important for me to finish with as little interruptions as possible. The prospect of going overseas floored me. I have accepted this point and I know that I WILL finish, no matter how long it takes.

Wish me luck.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Carmen Sandiego

I am Jack's happy pancreas.

School began today and I was able to get permission from both my Biology professor and my Calculus professor for my upcoming absence due to military duty. Blah. As for French, I think I've been out of it for a few many years and I don't necessarily want to do the extra work required to re-familiarize myself with the vocab, etc. So I am going to try to get my advisor to change my schedule. Yay.

Max and I have decided to "go for it". This includes my "impending doom" that I have mentioned in a prior blog. I believe that the pros outweigh the cons in this matter. Its too good to be... false. Ha!

That's all for now. I'm going to go hang out with some friends and pretend that I'm african cake spider!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Mistaken Communication

Last night I was text messaging my boyfriend, Max. Seems innocent enough, yes? I completely misunderstood a certain message which sent my heart into a frenzy. I honestly could feel my heart slowly crumbling every second after I had read it. My chest felt tight, it was getting harder to breathe, I really think there was a tiny elf inside me who placed my heart in a pot of water and was slowly turning up the heat to boil it--like a frog. I messaged him back, asking for him to explain himself. No answer. I ask again. Still no answer. Almost an hour passes--I am panicky and on the verge of crying. I called him twice before I got a hold of him--only to discover my ridiculous misunderstanding. I feel stupid. He felt bad too because he had no idea that I didn't understand him.

So what did I learn?

I learned to trust. I learned that I'm very vulnerable right now. I learned that I'm much more attached than I may have previously confessed. I am--as they say--a fag.

P.S. I ran 2.25 miles today

Friday, January 5, 2007

Status Sleepless

As is happening more frequently and apparently is affecting my routine, it must be mentioned. I cannot sleep well. It is not constant--more sporadic than anything. I wonder if that has anything to do with spores in the first place? I didn't invite any to hang out with me! Frankly, I don't believe they have any place in my room. And even more so, I don't think they even exist. Now what?

I sat awake last night, heart pounding, day-haha-dreaming. I couldn't stop my mind from meandering in and around a certain subject. What is that subject you might ask? It would be my impending doom or possible bliss. If only it were that black and white!

I tried desperately or half-heartedly (depending on your opinion) to clear my mind and sleep. I also tried some other things to regain unconsciousness. Nothing. Or should I say Something kept me awake. Max has only been gone a two days and yet it feels like 2 months or weeks or something else that is longer than 2 days. My eyes are burning from lack of sleep. Blah. Perhaps I should tell a story? Ok. That will keep me awake--haha--NOW I'm trying to stay awake. This is gay.


Maybe I watch too many old movies. That could be it. Perhaps I rely a bit too much on the unknown. I don't believe in aliens, so that can't be it. Hey, you know how some people with amputations say they can still feel their severed limb? The phantom hand or foot. I wish that Max had an extra hand and it could be severed and I was the one who had the feeling of his phantom hand. I would hold his hand whenever I wanted to. Haha. Ok, even that is a bit weird for me! I was going to tell a story. blah.


Once upon a time there was a turtle named Nimby. He was uber-obsessed with oatmeal. He didn't want raisins, milk, or sugar added to it because he said it masked the oatmeal's purity. He was also a senator for New Hampshire, but we won't hold that against him. Nimby had a bit much to drink one night and decided to declare his love of Fraggle Rock to the masses--namely to his mother Namby, she afterall was his only listener. One bubble came and went, then nothing. Its not his fault, you know. He was just a car salesman.
The End.

Thursday, January 4, 2007


I am a little nervous.

I checked my banking account online this morning and there seems to be a deposit made by someone else into my account. Its very strange. It looks as though the bank gave out a deposit slip with my account numbers on it to a certain person who then made a deposit. They wrote my account number beneath their name (which sort of looks like mine). The name seems to say "Andre W Olmmsmsmsms" I honestly can't read the handwriting. But this really spooks me! I know its a deposit, not a debit, but why did the bank give out my information to this person. Perhaps this person forgot their account number, but if they did the bank should have requested to see their ID and then given them the correct number--NOT MINE. I am confused and nervous.

I called my bank immediately and they said they would look into it and give me a call later today. With today's constant warnings against identity fraud, one can only jump to conclusions. I hope this is a simple mistake and no harm done. We shall see.

Ok--The bank called to say that it had been an error on the teller's part. I think they should let me keep the money based on the stress-induced coma I endured for the better part of 2 hours. Yea!

I went back to myspace and imported a few of my old blogs to this blog. I have created a permanent residence here in the land of the blogger. The End.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The New Year--so it seems

So here it is--the new year! Two thousand and seven should hopefully be a great year.
I have several objectives to complete in this fabulous year:
1) to beat Jacque in our mile-running competition (oh yea, its on baby!)
2) to beat Jacque in our mile-running competition (fo shizzle)
3) to make the most of my days as mayor of this fine town (one can dream)
4) to escape the sandbox with my life (there is quicksand there I hear)
5) to accomplish any goal I decide to make or give up (yes!)

Sounds simple enough.
So, Max has left me now for Houston. I am going to miss him. We had a really wonderful time together and now I have to have wonderful times all by myself. Boo!
Haha. I have decided to become the alpha dog in my household. Thank you Cesar Milan! hee hee. I need a monkey and perhaps a leash to walk him with.