Thursday, January 7, 2010

Holidays and Runningdays

I finished the 10k training and have moved on to a 1/2 marathon training program. I have reached 10 miles so far and keep plugging away. Max has been my partner through all of this and I doubt I would have had the motivation to do it had he not been there beside me. We are going to run a 1/2 marathon in New Orleans on February 28th, 2010. I am excited.

I am currently on my winter break from school. Spring semester classses pick up on January 19th. I am enjoying the break but am eager to begin the next semester. I just want to be done already! :) So far, I am doing well. This past semester I received all A's. (Yay!)

Max and I went to my aunt Dawn's for Thanksgiving and also went up to Kansas City after Christmas. It was nice to see family and friends. I got Max a Tivo for christmas and he got me a new computer.

Max's birthday party (which we threw after we got back from KC) was a hit! We had more people in this apartment than we ever have before. Crazy leaning tower of pisa cake.