Friday, August 31, 2007

I smell pastries!

So I have nothing new to say because nothing new is happening here. I think I want to get a bicycle when I get to Al Asad. A few people have them here and I think that would not only be a great way to get around, but good exercise as well. Jac and I could sing Queen's bicycle song together--Yay! I miss that.

My first goal when we get there is to set up my coffee bar--complete with Dunkin' Donuts coffee, equal sweetener, and powdered creamer. Oh yeah!! Earlier someone had a doughnut or something similar in here because I could smell it. Its amazing how potent it was. I guess I've gotten used to the horrid smell of Kuwait when a simple doughnut smells incredibly wonderful!

My second goal is develop my routine and find my "happy place". I'm pretty confident that my happy place will be conversations with my husband, Max. One soldier said that his happy place was sitting atop his barracks watching the flight line; another soldier's happy place involved hitting golf balls into the nearby mine field--to each his own.

Part of that last goal includes physical fitness. A friend of mine here has developed a weight lifting program for me. Combined with a running program that Bryant gave me, I hope to have my PT underway and happy! Yay!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kuwait does not mean "Cool Wait"

I guess I'm waiting. I think that's what this is all about. Its hot. Its windy. Its sandy. Did I mention yet that it is hot? Hmmm....
Wow. I couldn't describe this heat adequately. The only things I can compare it to is having a blow dryer on high on your skin or perhaps being inside of a convection oven.
I am already looking forward to leaving this place and I haven't been here a full day yet.
I can't write too much about what's going on here but instead I will say that I miss being home. I miss everyone. I will send my address as soon as I get it.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Our Nation's Capital

Or is it 'Capitol'??? I'll never remember.

Oh well, Max and I are here in Washington, DC for my block leave. We are having a fabulous time. Yesterday I arrived at the airport around 11am. I found out earlier that morning that he missed his plane because he was 5 minutes late to the boarding time. Boo! Oh well, he was placed on standby and made it here later that afternoon. I, however, got the rental car and went shopping! I had way too much fun! I even got a pedicure. :D

When Max showed up, I picked him up from the airport and we came back to our hotel-which by the way is amazing!!! It is probably the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at. I really like the bathroom (don't make fun of me!). For dinner, we found a pretty cool Thai restaurant so that I could have Pad Thai (my favorite dish). We also tried these little tofu triangles that were super good.

We went out to breakfast this morning at a little bistro-type restaurant down the street. It was good minus the coffee grounds in my coffee. :( We spent the bulk of the day downtown on the Mall looking at the various monuments and memorials. I was really moved by the Vietnam memorial and the Women's Vietnam memorial. I got pretty choked up at the number of soldiers that were lost. It made my job in Iraq feel more significant. :)

We are going to the Melting Pot for dinner tonight--I can't wait!!! I love that place. Then we're going to party it up in Georgetown. Yay!

I will write more later--maybe. Oh!!! and 340 days and counting!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I cannot wait for Friday! Yay! I am going on my leave prior to leaving the country and I'm ecstatic. Max and I are going to Washington, D.C. just for kicks.
I am sad that the trip is going to be so short but I'd rather have it than not.
I will be sending out my mailing address as soon as I can get it. When I do send it out, I expect letters, people!

That's all for now. Out.